Archive for the ‘life’ Category

You know what, Hollywood has been playing with our heads for so long, most of us are delusional with the idea of the ‘perfect love story’, ‘true love’, ‘soulmates’.. I admit i was delusional too..

Love isnt seamless and easy and sweet all the time, movies dont show what happens next after the big proposal, or the big gestures, or the loving kisses and cuddles. the ‘happy ever afters’ dont quite exist. Instead, cheating, deceiving, lying, and heartache happen in the long run/ in the real world. People meet and part. I have realized – the hard way – that everything in life is temporary. everything. money, health, happiness, sorrow, love, friendship. everything. 

it seems some people love the easy way out. most people wont fight for love. wont stand up for what they believe is right. wont put effort to make relationships work. one of my close male friends once told me that if a guy wants something/someone, there is nothing/noone that will stop him. then why is it that all i see around me are guys who have been either too lazy or too proud to go after the woman that they love. Just because something is hard/needs work doesnt mean that you give up at the first obstacle and convince yourself it wasnt meant to be.

Man is a lazy creature.

Man is garfield.  

say no to NYR!

Posted: January 27, 2011 in bla bla bla, damdoumization, life, random, thoughts

I dont think i ever had a new years resolution. ever. oh no wait. i did but never kept it :S by Jan 3rd I had already broken it and it felt horrible to betray myself like that. I like to be a person of actions, not words. And i did not keep my promise to myself that year. (yes, it was to quit smoking! and yes i did quit it eventually. cold turkey. never looked back. yay for me!)

so this year, I am adopting a new motto. no promises. just changes i wish to incorporate in my life this year going forward… i love lists so here’s one!

1. Forgive yourself

Forgiveness is primarily taking less personal offense, reducing anger, and the blaming of the offender. It also consists of developing an understanding of situations that lead to hurt and anger. I am not saying it will be easy. but one needs to resolve past issues. have a mental cleanse. we need to let go of negativity we hold on to for long. letting go is the best thing one can do of hurt. why would anyone want to hold on to hurt anyway? victimizing ourselves will only create more mental clutter, if that’s the right word. best thing I learned is to resolve all internal issues, once the healing is complete, I can move on with no negative emotions, and then I embrace life with an open heart. I plan to keep doing that. It de-burdens me of the weight on my shoulders.

2. Laugh from the heart

Someone once said: Laughter is good for the soul. and science says laughing out loud is good for your lungs, but more so for your spirituality. it is so not worth it being stressed out all the time, I see stress as a silent killer. Smiling has an optimistic effect on people, and its contageous. So is laughing.  I sometimes induce it even if I dont feel like it, just as soon as I start feeling a little down, I put on family guy or friends or even watch some silly show and just laugh. it is not crazy. I believe it is one of the healthiest of my new founds habits. So start smiling and it will become second nature!

3. Love thy friends

self explanatory i reckon..

4. Lose the nuisance

I have introduced a new policy to my relationship book of rules and regulations. If you’re bringing in drama, then I do not associate with you. I do not need drama, I do not tolerate drama, and I will not allow drama near me. Whoever you may be. My idea of friends are people who come into our lives, and bring a learning experience, assist us to growth, love us unconditionally, be there when we need them, and confide in us if they need us, laugh with us, and bring in positivity into our lives just by being present in it! If your only purpose in life is whining all the time, complaining and demanding undevided attention because you’re the victim of a world wide conspiracy against you, then I apologize, I have no place for you in my life. This policy is working for me. You may call me ruthless, but it is working for me. life is too short to waste it on people who only channel negativity.

And that’s all kids. If you have things that aren’t working for you, change them. Introduce positive chi. and have a safe and happy year!

As I havent slept all night, I eventually gave in to the chronic insomnia and got up to entertain myself with a movie. Valentine’s Day, check. Prince of Persia, check. few other generic tv movies, check! this morning another tv rerun. Devil Wears Prada. and you know what, Miranda is the closest thing to my boss.

Dragon Lady. cruel ice queen. What happens to women who want to succeed? I understand it’s a man’s world, and women have to work twice as hard to prove themselves in the workplace… because God forbid this woman in charge shows her real personality which might include a touch of kindness or maybe being a little emotional towards things! God forbid people see her as a woman. She would be walked all over and crushed by her male peers. Had she been a man, being cruel and demanding, no one would notice a difference, no body would say “oh the devil!” they would only notice how good he is at his job. But a woman, being that fierce, will always be judged.

But the sad part is, these women tend to trade in their personal lives for their true dedication to their job and their adament will to succeed at their careers and moving them forward. Most men would not allow their wives to be more successful than them, or come home late in the name of duty. My boss is approaching 50, looks very young for her age actually not a day over 40, only married for 3 years when she was 42, I guess she got used to being single as it meant no commitments were there, and she would engulf herself better with the job she loves more than life itself.

I dont see why a woman can’t have it all. family, work, leisure, fun, ‘me time’? I’ve seen it happen! not so far from me actually, mom was a very successful Audit Manager, she only left work when she hit 50 or 52, yes it can get a little crazy and energy draining, but she loved it, and still managed to have it all. Juggling both personal and professional lives needs practice I reckon, and needs a person willing to make it work, if you believe it, you will be it. I know corny. But it is my honest opinion.


a new year!

Posted: January 9, 2010 in bla bla bla, i wanna know, life, random

usually means new hopes, for me its just a sigh of relief that finally 2009 is over! OMG what a crappy year it was. I havent written in a while, not because something is up, only that life happens sometimes, and I get uninspired and out of time to write anything.. Changes at work, good changes il7amdila (thank God) and house hunting as I plan to move into another house closer to work, found a place last week thankfully and should be disappearing again to move in another 2 weeks. Im getting a new boss next week, that is the happy change lol, my ex boss (the horrible one) moved on to another role and finally I do not report to him anymore. New boss is a female boss! also I heard she is a feminist, which is just great as I am one too, she loves empowering the women in her office, so  I am very hopeful. May God make 2010 a blessed year for everyone. I think it just cant get worse than 2009.

I have been hooked on youtube channels lately, I love checking out randomness, but I have been really addicted to a couple of beauty channels.. how girly of me! I just realized that I love makeup! I dont usually sport a caked face, on the contrary, my routine is very natural, but its fascinating how corrective and enhancing products can be. Some people however have the wrong understanding of the basics of applying makeup.. it especially shocks me to see teenagers having more makeup than I do on at 8 am going to school or uni! why? seriously.

I guess people have a distorted image of themselves, even at a young age, everyone wants to be someone else. not many satisfied girls with their looks, and so many try to change these looks in the most dramatic ways. which is sad. I applaud change, and its nice to always have a new do or new ways of wearing makeup but not cover up your initial features to appeal to the outside world. Im pretty sure the outside world is gonna be just fine with the original version of you. people’s self acceptance levels arent very impressive these days. I will not blame the media as everyone does. or at least. i wont blame the media fully. the way we absorb media is not ideal either, as most believe and follow it blindly. You only need to take in what will work for you and not just take in everything, toxic or not.

and on a separate note, my neighbours  have the noisiest kid ever, but I dont mind it much as she’s just a toddler, she doesnt comprehend. however, they bought the most annoying cockatoo bird and placed it on the window’s ledge! which is so adjacent to my window I can actually reach out and suffocate the living hell out of it! But since I am an animals rights activist, I am just thinking of the ways I can release the gate to its cage and just let it roam and fly and tweet its heart out freely, in someone else’s neighbourhood!

I hope you welcomed the new year in a good way, nothing too crazy and wild :-p I did not do anything special really, I am not the partying type.. So it was a quiet night with my sister’s family, her in-laws, and my favorite uncle who is in town for a while.. I do not usually have any resolutions made on new years, as most people, including myself, never come through with any.. however, this year I promised myself a healthier lifestyle.

What were your resolutions this year, if any?


Posted: September 15, 2009 in i wanna know, life, people, relationships, thoughts

this is a question for both genders.

for the sake of the  most effective birth control possible, would you get ‘clipped’ if you’re a man? or ‘tie your tubes’ if you’re a woman? Also, for the men out there, would you let your wives ‘tie her tubes’ in the future knowing that it is a big deal, a full on surgery with anesthesia and risks while getting clipped is a) reversable, and b) less risky and can be done in minutes?

random Q,  which was somehoe inspired after watching some sitcom a while back. it got me thinking, would the average arab male consider these options to begin with? and will the average arab woman be open for such a drastic measure to the ways of nature? But i guess with the side effects of the pill, and the very low percentage of men who would use ‘protection’ after they get married, one may want to think of other options.


Posted: September 11, 2009 in damdoumization, life, me me me, random

Wow, i have been so away for so long, what has it been now, 4 months? give or take. had a lot to deal with. Changed jobs, finally! I couldnt be happier thank God, il7amdila, im finally back in my element. Personal Banking. No more crappy boss, who incidently, was laid off shortly after i left. I had a tough time on my exit interview, as i was debating the idea of snitching, many of his actions and transactions were completely against compliance (and work ethics) rules. To be honest, my conscience wouldnt have been cleared had i done that. God has his ways. and his cover was blown eventually. Thank God i had no hand in that. seriously. even if it were the right thing to do. I would have felt horrible doing it. Anyway. its all past me now. So totally over. I have a new beginning, and im very content with God’s blessings. Please God, keep them pouring!

I was planning on taking the  metro this weekend, just for the heck of it, from the first station, to the very last one. and back again! lol. But will do that next weekend hopefully. I have never been on a metro can you believe that? all the travel i have done, never once went. i may have an underlying fear of it with all the accidents we hear lol but seriously, i love driving! i dont think i can depend on any other form of uncontrolled transport! especially that our metro has no driver :S feels kinda weird. I just hope it eases traffic, whether i take it or not!

I am developing a craze for books recently! I am especially head over heels for Paulo Coelho. Reading The Zahir now. Just finished Veronika Decides to Die. surprisingly not the dark novel i expected it to be. its kind of life-enhancing! as all Paulo creations i reckon. I also got Deepak Chopra’s Grow Younger, Live Longer. lol. i know, too soon, and so unneeded since everyone thinks im 22-23, while i am fastly approaching 30. Hope that trend sticks on for another 20 years!

I will be back, but i have an urge to go blog hopping. I must have missed out on so many good writings, and many events in your lives..

crash and burn..

Posted: November 23, 2008 in bla bla bla, feelings, inside out, life, random, thoughts


sometimes.. you plan something unintentionally.. its not like you plan it on paper and figure out all its details, just something you want to happen.. sometime in the future in a way or another.. you’re just taking it a day at a time.. all signs are positive.. everything seems to be heading that way.. then something happened.. life happened. and life is a hoe.

so what is one to do when one’s plans come crashing down? one cant give up! coz i believe that winners never quit, and quitters never win. but how do you go on with your life when something that has taken a huge part of your time, effort, emotions, money and years, just doesnt seem to be coming together into reality anymore!?

im a strong person, who has a lot of faith in myself and in God and in fate and karma, and all things spiritual, i believe that some factors of life are out of our control, and the remaining most, is usually in our hands. i’ve never lacked patience… yet i find myself hopeless now. and i hate that feeling!

looking at my last post, i think im coming across as a whiner!! but for those who know me in person, and they are very few.. you know im not. i just have more on my plate than ever before.. apologies to the readers (if any)! lol


Posted: November 19, 2008 in life, ma7alli, news, people, thoughts

this morbidly obese economy is experiencing a minor heart attack.. or is it a major one?

what bothers me most, besides that our jobs are at stake and everything is so uncertain. is that no one wants to tell you what’s going on honestly & clearly! either the decision makers in Dubai are in complete oblivion of what the risks and consequences are, or they just want to calm the panicked masses. either way, its not calming anyone. its only adding to the stress..

hiring is frozen, hundreds of thousands of jobs are hanging by a very thin line, loans, mortgages, cars, cards, expenses, installments, rents! it is said that when a person is in a near death situation their whole life flashes infront of their eyes.. so when a job is about to expire, all the bills of one’s life flash before them too!!


Posted: November 5, 2008 in damdoumization, life, random, thoughts

no not Body Odor! 😀

President Obama, first black president in the white house.

will we finally see shades of gray?

Neutral November

Posted: November 2, 2008 in feelings, life, thoughts

neither sweet, nor bitter, a bit of both : )

الذكرى المشؤومة لوعد بلفور

sad memories of great people (4 year memorial today. may he rest in peace)

warm memories of the start of my journey with spirituality..

sweet memories of reuniting : )

* i am somehow convinced that selfishness and selflessness are both really bad qualities.. i even tend to believe selflessness is worse! with selfishness, you at least get what you want, you might hurt people along the way, or lose some, but still, your goals are achieved, your possessions are ‘possessed’, and your wants and needs are actually fulfilled, besides the fact that you’re all alone coz noone will stand that attitude… but you wont even notice it! coz you’re so self centered. however, when you’re selfless, its so energy draining, and psychologically tormenting! You do everything for the good of others, involuntarily, even if you would like to say no, something inside (the inner stupid person) says yes. you end up without doing much on your personal goals, over extending yourself for others will drain you emotionally and physically, most of it will go unappreciated so you will feel frustration, mostly innate, and one day you wake up resenting youself to the max!!! and then starts the psychological torment, you start detesting yourself for being the weak person that you are.. you dont lose people or hurt them like the selfish ones do, but you lose your self love.. which is worse and harder to handle..

* why on earth do some people have to say ‘thats so funny’ instead of, erm, actually laughing at something/ incident/someone!!! it doesnt make sense announcing it without laughing! eft!

* black does NOT look good on everyone! 

* its kinda sad when you reach mid/late twenties, and you know so little about your religion..

* middle class doesnt exist IMHO, its either rich, or poor, even in the holy books, there was never a mention of middle class! and its true.. If a financial crisis hits an individual, 75% of individuals will be considered poor, or get really close to becoming poor. the remaining 25% are either very poor, or very rich to not feel the crisis.

my best friend of 5 years will be getting married in Jan, and moving away to her soon-to-be husband’s country of origin, as he is happy and she also loves it there, in addition to that, he has a great job where he will be providing very well for her and their future family.

we call each other everyday in the mornings, or sms to check up on one another, we used to work together for a year then i left but we still kept that ritual of early morning smss and calls, every alternating weekend of outings and catching up, and every problem shared and discussed as if we’re sisters.. and somehow, we grew to become just that.

as hard as it is for me to say goodbye, i cant be selfish and ask her to stay. its so difficult finding friends when you’re not a kid, and in such a cruel city with no genuine social contacts, it will be hard going forward.. oh well, i guess life is really a series of meetings and partings..


ramadan is over

Posted: October 5, 2008 in bla bla bla, life, ma7alli, rant, thoughts

but the spirit hopefully will live on, i had such a magical month this year, it was the most peaceful ramadan i ever had to be honest. i felt closer to God than i ever were, and i intend to keep it that way, inshAllah.

what baffles me however, is the audacity of so many people, muslims or not, in this holy month. wherever you look you find someone drinking coffee in their car, or rolling down their tinted car windows to blow the smoke off their ciggies, ya3ni cant you wait to get home or to the office or to a freaking parking lot! people have no respect i swear! i go to other offices, or even downstairs to exit to the parking lot (coffee shops/restaurants were operating in my office building as they were in many office buildings in the city!) or to the road, and can smell coffee, smoke, and pungent smelling foods!

what bothers me the most is that the country doesnt impose its supposedly ‘Islamic’ rules on its residents! THEY should respect that its a holy month of fasting and that this is afterall an Islamic country, but rude enough, they want US to get over it coz its a diversified community! in Egypt, you DARE not be caught even chewing gum in the streets, christian or not, everyone has a certain amount of respect for the month, and the country has strict rules on open shops and coffeeshops. i wish that gets implemented here someday, coz even though i couldn’t care less who eats what before me in ramadan, its just rude and disrespectful.

as opposed to common belief, good girls DONT always love bad boys, but MOST of them get attracted to one (at the very least) in their lifetime.

why i hear you ask?

i have noticed, after a lot of observation, that the unfortunate truth about women is that they are stupid enough to think they can change men, of course the bigger challenge is changing a bad boy! also, usually we, as humans, innately tend to defy our parents in everything we do, hence, going out with the one boy your mom will always warn you about presents itself as one of the biggest congenital habits, should you be expected to the miss goody-two-shoes by your parents and society. we are born with a passion to be unique, and being predictable is, to some, the worst thing that can happen!

i like to think that the idea of a bad boy (or girl) is exciting because of our curious nature as humans. we love to analyze one another, dissect each other’s personalities and  we love to explore, we thrive for adventure! and what better way to explore than by being in a totally different comfort zone, a bad zone! for a good girl who just wants out, a short lived relationship with the total opposite of her persona DOES sound ideal, but on the long run, i personally think they both will realize that it wont work, and if it would, they both will change and compromise, eventually.

deja vu 10

Posted: August 20, 2008 in damdoumization, life, observations, people, rant, thoughts

and the last one for now : )



as much as i like to think there is diversity in this world, i feel our community has become redundant to an annoying extent..

1. almost every girl looks the same, 4 major categories bi nazari, the brunette haifa wahbeh wannabes, the
blonde california-dream kinda girl, “vieled” girls with their second skin tshirts under a camisole that barely covers anything and of course the tight trews, and number 4, girls that skipped an evolution cycle.. stuck in the 80s phase…

2. almost every guy wants to be the next GM of a huge company, wont tell u they r just clerks at the moment, instead, insist that they r assistant managers in the making! almost every guy has to drive a car they cant afford, carry a cell phone which costs them half their salary on its bills, and has to have a “fly” girl by his side. ahhh the necessities of life!

3. almost everywhere u go, same issues are being discussed, same recurring topics, needless to say almost everyone wants to look like they know-it-all more than the remaining almost everyone!

4. almost every building is a frightening replica of a previous one, and almost all restaurants with a “theme” have almost the same look other restaurants under the relevant theme have!

and one wud think after a gazillion years of man being on the face of this earth, and after numerous years of technology and advance in all aspects of life, ppl wud be different and more diverse.. (creative is a word that comes to my mind also). but i wonder, is it coz u have to go with the flow to not feel isolated or stand out oddly, or is it coz its easier to be like everyone else, coz the road less taken is darker with no defenition and requires more effort and originality? humans will always fascinate me, even when they’re becoming predictable!

deja vu 7

Posted: August 20, 2008 in damdoumization, feelings, life, relationships

Love and hate:

are 2 faces to the same coin. a thin line separates them.. intense emotions of dislike can turn into the most passionate love if given a chance to blossom, and the corniest of love stories can turn into the fiercest war..


to forgive is divine they say.. and i truly agree. for so many ppl loved and went separate ways.. yet so very few didnt hold a grudge towards the one who said goodbye.


it takes courage to realize that things wont work, and maturity to accept the fact, and wisdom to let it go. and thats what separates men from the boys.

deja vu 6

Posted: August 20, 2008 in life, random, thoughts

more of my fave old posts from the blog that i deleted… apologies to those who already read them. im just trying to keep their memory alive =D

isnt it amazing how some ppl keep their walls up even when they’re tired and want to let their ‎guard down but their inner protector stands firm to the decision it made to keep them away from self ‎inflicted pain? ‎

is it easier being in ‘safe mode’ all the time? doesnt it actually take more effort to keep track of ‎what you give out or not bout yourself? doesnt hurt help us grow and evolve and shape a better ‎judgement and a more solid character? why would one wanna miss out on a great relationship and ‎connection with others that can result from sharing innermost feelings and thoughts? sometimes ‎it doesnt work out yes, but that will give you the better knowledge next time.. and when it works ‎out, you wud have gained great friends and maybe even met your true better half in the process. ‎

i think hurt teaches us valuable lessons, and usually they are about ourselves, lessons about our ‎courage, strength, emotional intelligence, our endurance, etc etc. it can either open your eyes to your ‎weaknesses, or surprise you with your innate strengths. ‎

being the social person that i am, i met a lot of ppl who are so private and emotionally secure that i ‎wonder, whats the worse that cud happen if they opened up a little? how do they live their life ‎THIS bottled up? how does it feel being in their shoes and always avoiding sharing their fears/ ‎thoughts/ feelings and prolly ending up feeling all alone in the world (and maybe even BEING all ‎alone for the rest of their time)? is it really easier than a few scars that can make them stronger ‎with time?? ‎



Posted: August 10, 2008 in bla bla bla, life, ma7alli, observations, thoughts
Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.
– Jane Wagner 


there is not one single person i know or came across in this freaking city that has little or no amount of overwhelming stress to bear..

everyday is a race, with who? No one knows! but everyone is running in this place, everyone is after something, everyone wants more money, and also want more time to do more things with their lives.. but those cant be acheived together in most cases, so everyone is frustrated and depressed! from colleagues and friends to my sister’s friends and colleagues, to doctors you meet, or their nurses while you wait, or even while shopping and waiting at a shop’s counter you converse with someone and you can instantly see the tired look on their face and the heavy sigh when you ask them how is work..

we bankers feel the heat more, with the credit crunch and the market crashes and the real estate market in europe crashing and so many people being laid off everyday… everyone is in a competition for someone’s job!

it INDEED IS a jungle out there! and i wonder if its worth all this stress..

yeah the title has some pun intended..

my question is, have you ever wished you were of a different ethnic background? ever wished to be of a race you’re not? for whatever reason whether their looks or their rich(er) culture or their lifestyle or anything that might attract you more than your own race..

i always think of that, and even though i am a proud palestinian, i dream about being from anothe race.. wierd aren’t i! anyone else as wierd as well?

randomness 2

Posted: August 5, 2008 in damdoumization, life, random, thoughts

* this whole murder case of suzan tamim is sad.. what a sad depressing life she led, and what a way to exit.. may she be in a better place now..

* men dont change. so if a woman’s sole mission in life is to change a man, she’s a fool!

* there are a lot of paradoxes in life, one of which, is why oh why do we not get what we want when we want it? when we stop wanting things, they come to us with major ease .. bleh!

* compatibility means nothing in friendships, why should it mean anything in relationships? we grow up with friends from different backgrounds and different financial levels and different beliefs and we make them friends for life, why is it when chosing a life partner we get all caught up with those factors when all that matters is getting along spiritually and personality wise? i know i know, someone will argue that background shapes people into who they are today, i disagree, experiences do.

* i keep wondering what did people speak before islam? before the quran? in jahiliyeh, even in the time of the great Pharaoh.. was it arabic they spoke back then in Egypt? i mean the prophet (PBUH) obviously spoke arabic, since sunna is in proper Fus7a arabic.. when did arabic originate then, in what time?

* life is hard, man! we watch too many movies and listen to too many songs and read too many books to convince ourselves that happy endings and fairytales are possible, but in reality, life is fairly hard! things dont happen like we want them to, or expect them to, or even as they’re supposed to after a series of events and pursuances! there is always a way things can be messed up, and it usually DOES happen. i am not being pessemistic here, but i guess i have had enough time being the optimistic fool that i am…

* i truly believe every human has one form or another of a psychological illness/abnormality/disorder.  also i always believed that people are schizophrenic by nature. since we have a ‘heart’ and a ‘mind’ and usually they’re on different frequencies.. unless one of them is more dominant than the other, EVERYONE has at least a pair of disorders!

* its amazing how people come into our lives and bring a little of their karma with them.. im sure u have met at least one person who brought you a bit of good luck in a moment in time, i believe like attracts like, and people are contageous.. if your disposition is happy, it will rub off on the people in your small and even big circle.. if your mood is often blue and negative you will somehow pass it on to the people around you.. whether you want to or not.. people are but bottles of colors! you bring your blue and the person next to you brings their red, and you both will end up with a little bit of purple..

* for every action there is indeed a reaction..! the intensity of it however depends on how deep the psychological disorders of the person are!

some people

Posted: July 10, 2008 in life, observations, people

are just like pythons. even worse, they can talk!

seriously i have known a lot of people in my short life, but there is one particular person i came across, who has exceeded all levels of evilness with her venomous character.. and its amazing that she actually has a number of ‘friends’, even a husband! im presuming that her toxicity is contageous! funny thing is (and note that funny can describe a foul smelling object) she doesnt know it! I mean some people are aware of their lack of IQ, some are aware of their abilities – or lack thereof – of selling and marketing, but this malevolence seems to be like BO! everyone around can ‘sense’ it, yet the person in question doesnt even know they ‘reek’..!

i feel so sad for such personas, as i am (sadly) sure the world is full of them, its pathetic what damage they’re capable of, and how much they enjoy gossiping and the endless games of make belief they play, its worse that they actually affect others negatively.. i.e. convert them to one of their species, or hurt them with their forked tongue and evil souls…

so what (or who) motivates u? what gets u going? what is ur ultimate energy factor when u feel ur almost completely drained?


oldies # 5

Posted: April 2, 2008 in life, observations, rant, relationships, women

what do women want?

 the common question we see women demand an answer for (and almost never get one) is “what do men want?“, but i hereby ask: what do women want?!

im an observer, fascinated by mankind, always looking around to seek answers to yet un-asked questions, studying attitudes and -sometimes- analyzing behaviors.. thats wack i know but thats me! lol. and i keep coming across women who always want to change their men to more sensetive, caring, nurturing creatures who pay attention, cook, pamper and listen more often to anything besides the sound of their own voices.. or always complain that they cant ever meet anyone like that! (rings a bell?)

well i hate to be the bearer of bad news but heck, u wont! not coz they’re extinct, but coz they never existed! these qualities are mostly linked to women.. so i ask, why do women want to change men to women? keeping in mind that women dont even get along with most women! so what do women want exactly?

oldies #4

Posted: April 2, 2008 in life, observations, people, rant, relationships

Sorry seems to be the hardest word.. not!


i think sorry isnt the hardest word to say these days.. i believe “will u marry me” r the hardest words nowadays!!

has it become so hard for men to propose? i mean ok dowry is on the rise, and inflation is a nightmare etc etc of all the materialistic issues.. but im talking love, wanting to spend ur life with someone, the need for stability, wanting a family, craving someone to take care of u and vice versa.. have men and women become so independant that they have have lost the need or want to be married? has it become so common to be in relationships that go nowhere with a sole purpose of hanging out and having fun and passing time that ppl lost the need to be in wedlock? has responsibility towards a family become so unbearable? i really dont get it.. i c girls who r beautiful, intelligent, worldly, decent, and still single after 35. and i come across men who r the perfect examples of the “perfect” men, yet rnt and dowanna get married, what is so scary?

oldies # 2..

Posted: April 2, 2008 in bla bla bla, feelings, life, thoughts

Best moments in life:

1. Falling in love. (u bet!)
2. Laughing till your stomach hurts. (yes!)
3. Enjoying a ride down the country side.
4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio. (especially if ur already hyper)
5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside. (not for me but i wud like to wake up to snow)
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel. (ahhhh…)
7. Passing your final exams with good grades. (especially if u dint bother studying!)
8. Being part of an interesting conversation.
9. Finding some money in some old pants. (and if ur broke it wud be an extra gr8 feeling)
10. Laughing at yourself.
11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.
12. Laughing without a reason.
13. “Accidentally” hearing someone say somthing good about you. (ego boost? maybe! but it is a nice feeling)
14. Watching the sunset. (i prefer sunrise)
15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life. (yessssssss!)
16. Feeling that warmth in your guts when seeing this “special” someone.
17. Having a great time with your friends.
18. Seeing the one you love happy.
19. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume. (this is amazing..)
20. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories. (takes u back in time! i love this one)

i wud like to add a few of my favorite moments (and please feel free to add urs as well :D)

21. having ice cream in the rain/snow
22. sunbathing! the feel of the sun on one’s skin is just grand!
23. bumping into ur loved one as ur both buying cards/gifts for one another
24. waking up to ur loved one’s face
25. Hear the words “allah yerda 3aleiki” from ur parents
26. helping out a needy one or an elderly or a cripple
27. the moment ur ear pops open after a really bad flu and u can hear clearly again lol
28. going home early from work (il tazweegh:D)
29. having cheese cake (enter any pig-out favorite here) when ur depressed
30. a chick flick with some tears in the end
31. receiving flowers (whether ur a guy or girl it just feels tingly all over)
32. someone randomly saying “aww u look so nice together” when u and ur better half r together
33. surprise gifts
34. spur of the moment get aways
35. the smell of a new car

deja vu?

Posted: April 2, 2008 in bla bla bla, cars, life, observations

well u might have, i want to post a few of my favorite posts off the old blog.. sadly, the comments r not saved.. wont bore u a lot, its just i wanna keep my old stuff on this blog, since i deleted the first.. they’re only a few 😉

the indian guide to driving..

1. drive as slow as u can, even if u ARE on the left lane, just to irritate everyone around u, go home and smile at ur acheivement!
2. really be proud of ur suzuki 4×4 or any other car not classified as a hip 4×4 and think to urself ‘im the king of the world’ hence drive slowly as mentioned in point 1
3. have all the stuffed animals u can force into ur car, block all visibility and then back to point 1
4. should you be honked at/sworn at/given the finger/flashed all the highest levels of lights in the world, decide it might be another car and do not acknowledge the fury focused on u, and needless to say, keep driving slowly.
5. insist its called ‘veHicle’, stress on the H ..
6. should ur car be remotely scratched in a fender bender, never leave the scene and pull over to the side of the road, the bigger the traffic pile up the better u will feel bout it
7. always sport ur bluetooth device on the left ear and show off the technology u own to the world, it looks cool yaar!
8. ur allowed to stop at any point in the road to drop off/pick up someone from the sideway, the road is urs to abuse!
9. should someone be extremely pissed off at u and knocks on ur window to scream their tonsils off at u, dont even look at them and mind ur own business. keeping the straight face makes u the bigger person.
10. if ur on a bicycle, take any turn at any point and feel free to throw urself on any moving veHicle!



traffic wud be resolved with a little less selfishness, ppl driving into the start of a lane and push them cars in cutting in on everybody like they r too refined to wait like everyne else.. others cant bear the thought of giving way to another car, both get selfish and hot tempered, poof! fender bender, and a whole street gets locked coz of traffic! who cares bout other ppl waiting to get to their destinations..

poverty wud be somewhat less if retailers werent greedy and selfish, and if the wealthy actually gave some of their money to charities and/or funds to help the less fortunate cope with the rising cost of living..

mother nature wud be more grateful if selfish contractors wudnt ruin its beauty for construction of office towers and industrial cities and so on so forth..

a lot of ppl wud be healthier if selfish ppl thought of others for a change! second-hand smoking? hello! u wanna poison ur body, do it alone! what bout selfish ppl who care not to get tested and/or dont bother to be safe and end up passing STDs and HIV here and there?

hurt and pain wud be somewhat eliminated.. thus minimizing the psychological disorders our society suffers from! if a selfish mum/dad took care of her/his kids and household more, kids wud be raised better with a healthier personality.. not to mention a selfish partner ruins the idea of love to their partner shud they decide they want out of this relationship.. a lot of examples here, im just naming a few..

if there’s anything i hate more than liars, its selfish and greedy souls. no scratch that, they prolly dont have souls!!

Past Progressive – Use:

1) actions were in progress at special time in the past
example from life: They were playing the field actively in their youth..
2) two actions were happening at the same time (the actions do not influence each other)
example from life: He was having his coffee, while she was lost in thoughts of his dark past..

3) repeated actions irritating the speaker (with always, constantly, forever)
example from life: She was always being reminded of her experience(s)..

and keep in mind that Simple Past tense just doesnt exist in life grammar!

end of lesson 1..

we all think we wanna know, we really dont. coz it will haunt us from time to time.. just let bygones be bygones..

the big M

Posted: February 4, 2008 in life, relationships, thoughts

its all bout marriage these past few days.. on the radio, blogs, and even my friends were talking bout it over the weekend… but sadly, the comments and convos were negative..

“why bother getting married? im satisfied with how my life is!” or “why get married when 80% of marriages are ending with divorce?” or “why get married and waste all my life savings (this from a guy’s prespective)?” or the worst debate ever “why do i wanna limit myself to one person for the rest of my life!?”

Now seriously, why does ANYONE wanna be alone?

i cant wait to start forever with my better half and i cant understand how some people really think they’re better off alone.. its not that they dread marriage, they’re just convinced that they dont need it.. maybe some sort of defence mechanism i donno, but they have become 100% totally convinced that they r in no need to be in a marriage.. and thats so sad..

marriage doesnt have to end with divorce, even if u r hearing/witnessing cases that do end in say 3 4 years and in an ugly divorce, that doesnt mean u will have the same storyline! marriage needs work, just as any relationship.. and call me a fool, but i believe when love exists, all problems r solve-able.. marriages dont have to be ultra expensive either! personally, im one of those ppl who dont believe in weddings.. i like simple receptions, just a small sweet event to celebrate the unity of love and thats it, end of story! all the excess money that goes into making a ‘magical‘ wedding for everyone to talk bout (good or bad ppl will talk and critisize) can go into making a fantastic honeymoon for us!

in retrospect.. when i was 16 (first year uni) i was sure i wanned to stay single forever! i dint find the need to love or be loved so important, i had no trust in mankind and in the existance of good men and i cudnt imagine myself in a marriage and/or having kids etc etc.. but when u fall in real love, u find out that thats exactly what u wanna do..