Archive for the ‘weekend’ Category


Posted: June 19, 2008 in bla bla bla, random, weekend

the yuckiest part of any holiday, is when you go back to work! seriously, the days seem to be longer, it takes forever for the week to pass by and get to the weekend, and THEN the weekend passes u by like a sneeze! sigh..

have a good one peeps 🙂


Posted: March 11, 2008 in damdoumization, weekend

Posted: February 21, 2008 in fun, weekend

this is what we’re doing tomorrow..

and this is what we woke up to today!!!
lets hope the weather clears out tomorrow.. im so looking forward!
enjoy the weekend BeeBol!

colors of love

Posted: February 14, 2008 in bla bla bla, random, weekend

there is nothing more beautiful than love.. with all its shapes and sizes!

Valentine mood on i guess.. not very mushy tho, just grateful for all small beautiful things in life.. altho i find this day a bit overrated coz all days shud be filled with love and appreciation to ur loved ones, but its a reminder to let ppl around u how much they mean to u.. noone shud be lonely on valentine’s, gather ur friends and enjoy ur time..

happy day/weekend to everyone and their loved ones! enjoy the day and make the most of it 😀


Posted: January 31, 2008 in bla bla bla, weekend
TGIF has a whole new meaning to me right now! thank God its february! after one hell of a january.. well the first part of jan was gr8, i was on holidays 😀

but the second part of it was not so nice.. appraisals tension (went fine tho), work load (getting loadier and loadier!) and personal/domestic issues..

so welcome the shortest month in the year! even tho its gonna be a day longer :smily bished sha3ro: damn u leap years!

have a gr8 weekend everyone 🙂