the not so ‘in’ feeling..

Posted: April 8, 2008 in feelings, inside out, sad me


  1. THAT’s a cool picture!

  2. yes it is Marv, but the feeling sux! lol

  3. why damdoom? shu fee?

  4. Jasim says:

    That’s how I feel these days… Incomplete.

  5. Mayous: isnt it obvious? 😦
    my better half is leaving again so say hello to another 6 months of emptiness!

  6. neutron says:

    this is kinda random, but … where did u get that picture from? It’s beautiful!

    p.s. this site rocks!!!

  7. Verbal Alchemy says:

    neutron: sorry i didnt see this! its from deviantart. and many thanks!
    we aim to please 😀

  8. vikram singh says:

    It’s marv but feeling sux ;>

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