Archive for the ‘i wanna know’ Category


Posted: February 20, 2010 in i wanna know, random

We all long for some things (or ones) that are out of our reach, or maybe not meant to be but we do not know it yet.

How do you go after what you want? Do you just believe that these things (or people) are not meant to happen to you? Or do you keep presisting and working and trying? what about that someone who you really want to be with, but is  taken, or maybe doesnt know you exist yet, or is a friend and you fear ruining what you have.. how do you pursue your dream and only desire of being with him/her? Would you give up on it? Or give it all you have?

What makes you lose hope on anything that you want and crave and feel you are rightfully entitled to in life?

a new year!

Posted: January 9, 2010 in bla bla bla, i wanna know, life, random

usually means new hopes, for me its just a sigh of relief that finally 2009 is over! OMG what a crappy year it was. I havent written in a while, not because something is up, only that life happens sometimes, and I get uninspired and out of time to write anything.. Changes at work, good changes il7amdila (thank God) and house hunting as I plan to move into another house closer to work, found a place last week thankfully and should be disappearing again to move in another 2 weeks. Im getting a new boss next week, that is the happy change lol, my ex boss (the horrible one) moved on to another role and finally I do not report to him anymore. New boss is a female boss! also I heard she is a feminist, which is just great as I am one too, she loves empowering the women in her office, so  I am very hopeful. May God make 2010 a blessed year for everyone. I think it just cant get worse than 2009.

I have been hooked on youtube channels lately, I love checking out randomness, but I have been really addicted to a couple of beauty channels.. how girly of me! I just realized that I love makeup! I dont usually sport a caked face, on the contrary, my routine is very natural, but its fascinating how corrective and enhancing products can be. Some people however have the wrong understanding of the basics of applying makeup.. it especially shocks me to see teenagers having more makeup than I do on at 8 am going to school or uni! why? seriously.

I guess people have a distorted image of themselves, even at a young age, everyone wants to be someone else. not many satisfied girls with their looks, and so many try to change these looks in the most dramatic ways. which is sad. I applaud change, and its nice to always have a new do or new ways of wearing makeup but not cover up your initial features to appeal to the outside world. Im pretty sure the outside world is gonna be just fine with the original version of you. people’s self acceptance levels arent very impressive these days. I will not blame the media as everyone does. or at least. i wont blame the media fully. the way we absorb media is not ideal either, as most believe and follow it blindly. You only need to take in what will work for you and not just take in everything, toxic or not.

and on a separate note, my neighbours  have the noisiest kid ever, but I dont mind it much as she’s just a toddler, she doesnt comprehend. however, they bought the most annoying cockatoo bird and placed it on the window’s ledge! which is so adjacent to my window I can actually reach out and suffocate the living hell out of it! But since I am an animals rights activist, I am just thinking of the ways I can release the gate to its cage and just let it roam and fly and tweet its heart out freely, in someone else’s neighbourhood!

I hope you welcomed the new year in a good way, nothing too crazy and wild :-p I did not do anything special really, I am not the partying type.. So it was a quiet night with my sister’s family, her in-laws, and my favorite uncle who is in town for a while.. I do not usually have any resolutions made on new years, as most people, including myself, never come through with any.. however, this year I promised myself a healthier lifestyle.

What were your resolutions this year, if any?

when priorities shift

Posted: September 17, 2009 in bla bla bla, i wanna know, thoughts

embracing that change is not always easy..

what are your priorities at this stage of your life?


Posted: September 15, 2009 in i wanna know, life, people, relationships, thoughts

this is a question for both genders.

for the sake of the  most effective birth control possible, would you get ‘clipped’ if you’re a man? or ‘tie your tubes’ if you’re a woman? Also, for the men out there, would you let your wives ‘tie her tubes’ in the future knowing that it is a big deal, a full on surgery with anesthesia and risks while getting clipped is a) reversable, and b) less risky and can be done in minutes?

random Q,  which was somehoe inspired after watching some sitcom a while back. it got me thinking, would the average arab male consider these options to begin with? and will the average arab woman be open for such a drastic measure to the ways of nature? But i guess with the side effects of the pill, and the very low percentage of men who would use ‘protection’ after they get married, one may want to think of other options.

freaky friday!!

Posted: October 12, 2008 in damdoumization, i wanna know, random, thoughts

halloween is around the corner, well not quite the corner! but every year around this time i wish i can trade lives with someone else! just for a day.. a change of scenery, a diff set of fears and dreams, just living in someone else’s shoes for a day.. why cant we wear a costume and actually instantly transform into that character for that night?

if you were to trade lives for halloween, who would you chose?

i’d chose to be a fairy, or angelina jolie 👿

yeah the title has some pun intended..

my question is, have you ever wished you were of a different ethnic background? ever wished to be of a race you’re not? for whatever reason whether their looks or their rich(er) culture or their lifestyle or anything that might attract you more than your own race..

i always think of that, and even though i am a proud palestinian, i dream about being from anothe race.. wierd aren’t i! anyone else as wierd as well?

so what (or who) motivates u? what gets u going? what is ur ultimate energy factor when u feel ur almost completely drained?



Posted: May 8, 2008 in bla bla bla, i wanna know, random

what do you think of the following:

a smart mouth is a lonely mouth (or as it is in slang: a smart ass is a lonely ass)

1. total a car, yes im a mad driver, but never thought i would total a car! especially when it was brand new!! YuB, December 07.

2. break a heart, i never saw myself as a heartbreaker.. but apparently i am capable of it! as the Raven says repeatedly, Nevermore, Nevermore!

3. Lose 127 lbs and 5 dress sizes, well i never planned to have myself a medical condition and HAVE to gain all that much (and more) and lose them eventually, but im so glad i did, its a blessing from God. everything is.

4. bungee jump thrice. i am a person with many phobias, one of which is being ungrounded, thats why i dont swim, or ride horses.. but for sum reason, free falling, bungee jumping, parachuting and paragliding are all on my list of fave outdoor activities! Magno 😀

5. win a poetry competition, especially when i didnt even submit my poetry myself! back in school (i was 13 bw) i had an amazing english teacher who i entrusted with some of my writings so she would guide me and point out what i should do to make them better, she fell in love with one, and sent it on my behalf and i actually won 3rd place! got it published through the National Library of Poetry in Washington, and was flown over to recite it infront of 5000 people. crazy or what!

6. have a blog, yes, im a private person, and never thought of having a public journal! even though i do not discuss the every detail of my life, but still this is something i never foresaw myself doing..

7. become a vegetarian, especially since i was the ultimate carnivore 7 years ago! i donno i guess i just got over saturated 😐 i still get forced by my doctor to eat red meat from time to time, but if it were up to me (and if i were anemia free) i wudnt go near my fellow mammals!

so what would be on YOUR list?

Q 3

Posted: April 14, 2008 in i wanna know, people, random, thoughts

financial status, position, social background and nationality… how important are these factors to when chosing and making friends? (whether in school, uni, or work)

1. Hong Kong: apparently having 4 of the 15 tallest towers in the world will make you the number 1 city!it is beautiful at night though, the magnificent architecture of the high rise buildings in hong kong is breath taking..

2. Chicago: ok im a little surprised since New York is the greatest city in the world in my green eyes! but Chicago was the birth of sky scrapers, surprisingly, they built the first sky scraper in chicago in 1885! the chicago park district is amazing, and the city at night, is a colorful masterpiece.

3. Shanghai: the beautiful city indeed.. although i would freak out and invest in a private jet to NOT drive over the crazy Nanpu bridge, i still cant deny its amazing. buildings are excessively tall, but beautifully designed and unique, and houses are authentic asian beauties..

4. New York: wall street, the opera house, the empire state building, lady liberty, Dylan’s candy shop!! ahhh.. New York, the home of new york cheesecake! this is MY favorite city ever.. noone knows why exactly, but NYC is the most charming city in the world. its on this list (i donno who came up with the list, i received it by email) because its versatile. the culture, the art, the music, the food, the places and faces of New York. i absolutely love it.

5. Tokyo: the most populated city by FAR! 32 million people! Technologically advanced, with great tall buildings, Japan is one of the most sophisticated asian countries, yet it still held on to its traditions. the cherry blossom festivals, the houses, the culture, the music, the geishas, its all so magical! (personally, i love the calligraphy!)

so… whats ur favorite city?

q 3

Posted: March 20, 2008 in i wanna know, thoughts

had the pornography industry not been founded, do u think ppl wud have been less obscene than they r nowadays??

plastika fantastika

Posted: March 20, 2008 in i wanna know, thoughts

لا يصلح العطار ما افسده الزمن

oh but a plastic surgeon can!

how open r u to the idea of plastic surgery?

personally i am all for it! but then im a woman! lol, no seriously i accept it completley only if its reconstructive.. a face lift when u age, a tummy tuck when u lost a lot of weight, a broken nose being fixed, thats all fine by me.. in fact i think it helps lift the spirits more than anything anyone can say to un-depress a person.. but changing one’s looks just for the mere thought that they wud look better than the way God Almighty created them is a definite no!

Q 2

Posted: February 29, 2008 in i wanna know, random, thoughts

unisex q again..

how comfortable r u having an insanely more attractive partner?

how hetero is metro?!

Posted: February 26, 2008 in i wanna know, men, psychobabble

Metrosexual is a neologism generally applied to heterosexual men with a strong concern for their appearance, and who display many of the lifestyle tendencies of stereotypically homosexual men. – Definition courtesy of Wiki


1. lebanon will have postponed elections for the 340th time, and still counting!
2. dubai will have the biggest, largest and TALLEST dome on earth to cover the city and keep its weather controlled and clean
3. dubai’s population will be 80% indians
4. we wont worry bout obesity anymore , it will be mandatory to excercise in the office for an hour or two
5. america’s recession will get the best (if any) of it until there is nomore..
6. more children will be homeschooled
7. i believe (another word for hope) we will be able to teleport freely!
8. sabbou7a will still be around, and still singing!

feel free to add ur predictions too!

feng shui!

Posted: February 19, 2008 in bla bla bla, fun, i wanna know, random

well not quite lol but i love the concept of feng shui. and i just have to add a little chart for all of u to feng shui ur houses and office spaces!

il muhem, what item of furniture do u feel resembles u the most? lemme paraphrase, whats the item of furniture that most describes ur personality in ur room/house? and elaborate on the ‘why’ 😀

bad omen??

Posted: February 18, 2008 in i wanna know, me me me, tenzeker ma ten3ad

so i had this HUGE accident on eid (december) and i almost sha6abt il siyara ma3 il 3elem i am a crazy but excellent driver and never in my 7 years of mad driving have i as much as scratched the car badly. il7amdila x 1000. i had 2 fender benders but not even worth mentioning.. il muhem, i got the car back on thursday, and today morning as i am on my way to work, a guy stopped me on the way to the highway telling me that my rear tire is flat!

IS THIS A BAD OMEN?? the car’s milage is not even 5000kms.. is selling the car an option if u were me??! i only bought the car in oct 😦


Posted: February 17, 2008 in i wanna know, men, relationships, women
no not Qwaider 😛

but a question, for both genders, how far wud u go supporting ur man financially when ur both still starting up ur life?

and how much wud u accept ur wife to help out with?


Posted: February 10, 2008 in i wanna know, random, thoughts

how healthy is it to just accept our limitations and not challenge ourselves? is it true that we have limitations? or do u, too, believe that we can achieve anything with patience, hard work and perseverance?

the eternal question!

Posted: February 4, 2008 in bla bla bla, fashion, i wanna know




test ur memory

Posted: January 28, 2008 in fun, i wanna know, quiz
i wont post my numbers, since i infinitely suffer from CRS (cant remember shit)!
but lemme know how u do 😀
i found a (what i thought was) very interesting study by Psychiatrist Dr.Frank Caprio reveals our personalities through the way we undress! read on and tell me if it you find it fits:

.*.HAPHAZARD UNDRESS.*.If you throw your clothes all over the house , you are a friendly, life-of-the-party type. You are free with the thoughts and opinions, not caring much about the others think of you ..

*.METICULOUS UNDRESS.*.If you remove each piece of clothing and put it away carefully, you are a serious person who likes life very clam. You are comfortable with routine, and you believe that the best way to deal with life’s problem is to prevent them in first place ..

*.SHOES AND SOCKS FIRST UNDRESS.*.If you take off the shirt, and ten minutes later get around to the pants, you extremely selfconfident, intellectual, a deep thinker, and don’t like to be hassled. Usually you like alot of free time for yourself ..

*.SLOW UNDRESS.*.You are perfectionist, very shy, observant, dependable, intense, and think before making decisions. You go about you tasks methodically, with conectration. You know how to pay attention ..

*.FAST UNDRESS .*.If you get out of your clothes as quickly as possible, you are concerned about others and what they expect from you, but you’re worried about your own needs. You are family-oriented, and stay extremely busy ..

*.JEWELRY OFF FIRST UNDRESS.*.If you take off your rings, watch, etc., before anything else, you are warm, thoughful, sensitive, and romantic.

*.NEVER THE SAME WAY UNDRESS.*.If you never do it the same way twice, you a very curious, interesting person, and you enjoy a broad range of activities. You take risks and enjoy fun and adventure.

would you

Posted: January 22, 2008 in bla bla bla, i wanna know

volunteer to be a surrogate at any point of your life? or would you let your wife/sister/daughter one day help another desperate couple by being a surrogate?

and please treat this as a theoretical question, meaning set aside the religious side of the matter..