Archive for the ‘me me me’ Category


A couple of reasons as to why i found it hard to smile even though i live in sharjah…

a) power outages! Last Thursday, as i was driving home in the suffocating traffic between dubai and sharjah, i learn that the traffic is worse due to traffic lights not working in sharjah since there is a major power outage (SEWA needs a huge revamp!) so i quickly called the laundry dude in my building (simply because the watchman was too lazy/sleepy to answer) and asked him if we have electricity in our building! I was devastated with his quick and depressing ‘No’ (i live on the tenth floor!) but had no choice, i was way past the stage where i can make a turn and go back to dubai, to crash my sister’s office iftar party. or just hang out somewhere till iftar time.. thankfully i got home to find the building all lit again : D and did not have to go up 3828467 stairs to go up to a humid home! But other areas of Sharjah did not have any electricity till way later in the evening. I mean what about the families who dont have a car to stay in for a while until the power comes back, or drive somewhere to escape the heat at home! Something has to be done. I just dont quite know what.

b) A sudden tooth ache on Saturday night, eve of Eid, and not a living breathing good doctor/dentist was at their clinic! So had to wait till Tuesday and sustain Eid with a terrible tooth ache and an accompanying migraine. Needless to say, im almost limping coz one side of my head is heavier since my cheek is intensely swollen today, i had a root canal yesterday with the only working dentist in town.  She’s good though, so no regrets there..

Other than that, Eid was ok, busy first day, quiet the next, and the third was just a lazy-at-home day, where i was catching up on domestic chores and what not..



Posted: September 11, 2009 in damdoumization, life, me me me, random

Wow, i have been so away for so long, what has it been now, 4 months? give or take. had a lot to deal with. Changed jobs, finally! I couldnt be happier thank God, il7amdila, im finally back in my element. Personal Banking. No more crappy boss, who incidently, was laid off shortly after i left. I had a tough time on my exit interview, as i was debating the idea of snitching, many of his actions and transactions were completely against compliance (and work ethics) rules. To be honest, my conscience wouldnt have been cleared had i done that. God has his ways. and his cover was blown eventually. Thank God i had no hand in that. seriously. even if it were the right thing to do. I would have felt horrible doing it. Anyway. its all past me now. So totally over. I have a new beginning, and im very content with God’s blessings. Please God, keep them pouring!

I was planning on taking the  metro this weekend, just for the heck of it, from the first station, to the very last one. and back again! lol. But will do that next weekend hopefully. I have never been on a metro can you believe that? all the travel i have done, never once went. i may have an underlying fear of it with all the accidents we hear lol but seriously, i love driving! i dont think i can depend on any other form of uncontrolled transport! especially that our metro has no driver :S feels kinda weird. I just hope it eases traffic, whether i take it or not!

I am developing a craze for books recently! I am especially head over heels for Paulo Coelho. Reading The Zahir now. Just finished Veronika Decides to Die. surprisingly not the dark novel i expected it to be. its kind of life-enhancing! as all Paulo creations i reckon. I also got Deepak Chopra’s Grow Younger, Live Longer. lol. i know, too soon, and so unneeded since everyone thinks im 22-23, while i am fastly approaching 30. Hope that trend sticks on for another 20 years!

I will be back, but i have an urge to go blog hopping. I must have missed out on so many good writings, and many events in your lives..

* its funny (not funny ha ha) how some people like to ruin things for others when its ruined for them! why dont people just leave others alone?! especially the happier ones.. karma is not be taken lightly people!

* i read this sentence somewhere and ever since i did, its been stuck in the back of my head, resurfacing every once in a while to fuel my insomnia again: “if u have no passion for what u do, u’ll never be really happy“..

i have certainly reached that stage. depressingly so.

i’ve prolly been feeling it for a while but denying it coz we as humans do that sometimes, its taking the easy way out basically.. it takes so much risk and effort and energy and even courage to change your life and career dramatically. will you make it? will you not? addeh 3alam 7ayeshmato feek if you dint! not to mention the monetary burden of not being in the same lifestyle level you’re used to (not to mention the people you support financially – i.e. parents or kids)

i feel like i have reached that midlife crisis stage, but im not a man, and im not middle aged, and my crisis doesnt involve cheating or buying a cherry red car! i just think the time is right now. not next year or the one after. now.

a tale of two entities..



independent and on her own.. thought she needs not a partner, all she needed were friends.. silent when times are tough, even when her eyes can scream the words.. they found each other when they both werent looking.. it was an instant connection, love at first sight.. they never believed that would happen, yet, it so intensely did.. she had her fears.. she pushed him away.. didnt want to get too attached, for the uncertainty that lingered over their future was weighing her down.. she didnt want to hurt, but she did when she let him go.. lonely days and loneliner nights.. breathing just to pass time.. waiting for salvation..

time passed by, the days like months and months like years and years like decades.. slower than a rainy gloomy day.. until a fine november night came and their eyes met again.. by chance? or was it the work of fate? they didnt know, and they didnt care.. all they felt was alive again! their heartbeats were so loud they almost choked all words from coming out.. it was like they never were apart.. nothing changed.. except for their age.. they thought they moved on, but in truth, the world turned as they both stayed put.. kept holding on.. their love only grew stronger.. even though unspoken of..


they say “if you love someone set them free, if they come back they’re yours to keep”.. im praying its true


well folks, im back, but i have LOADS of work, and one of my colleagues (the nice one sadly) quit!! now i am stuck with that annoying one, and my boss. (boss shuf) and 3 upcoming additions to the team.. hope at least ONE yetla3 bani2adam! im sick of coming to a quiet office where the only words spoken are irritating ones.. either uncalled for compliments from my Garaf colleague, or micromanagement tips from my boss. sigh..!
Healthwise i am doing great thank God. i should have done this a long time ago but then again, all in good time. i miss blogging… i havent much to blog about but i miss blabbering 😛
i leave you with this saying which i love, and always remember when times are tough..
    ضاقت فلما استحكمت حلقاتها
    فرجت و كنت اظنها لن تفرج

I’ll have fun alrite!

Posted: May 12, 2008 in lol, me me me, no comment

Clueless, blond-in-the-head colleague: so have fun on your time off!
Me (genuinely concerned bout her mental health): You know im going for surgery right?
Clueless, blond-in-the-head colleague (with a blank look on her face!): yes but you must be excited bout the time off?

no comment!
oh except the obvious of course, i will be away for a while.. be good!

1. total a car, yes im a mad driver, but never thought i would total a car! especially when it was brand new!! YuB, December 07.

2. break a heart, i never saw myself as a heartbreaker.. but apparently i am capable of it! as the Raven says repeatedly, Nevermore, Nevermore!

3. Lose 127 lbs and 5 dress sizes, well i never planned to have myself a medical condition and HAVE to gain all that much (and more) and lose them eventually, but im so glad i did, its a blessing from God. everything is.

4. bungee jump thrice. i am a person with many phobias, one of which is being ungrounded, thats why i dont swim, or ride horses.. but for sum reason, free falling, bungee jumping, parachuting and paragliding are all on my list of fave outdoor activities! Magno 😀

5. win a poetry competition, especially when i didnt even submit my poetry myself! back in school (i was 13 bw) i had an amazing english teacher who i entrusted with some of my writings so she would guide me and point out what i should do to make them better, she fell in love with one, and sent it on my behalf and i actually won 3rd place! got it published through the National Library of Poetry in Washington, and was flown over to recite it infront of 5000 people. crazy or what!

6. have a blog, yes, im a private person, and never thought of having a public journal! even though i do not discuss the every detail of my life, but still this is something i never foresaw myself doing..

7. become a vegetarian, especially since i was the ultimate carnivore 7 years ago! i donno i guess i just got over saturated 😐 i still get forced by my doctor to eat red meat from time to time, but if it were up to me (and if i were anemia free) i wudnt go near my fellow mammals!

so what would be on YOUR list?


Posted: March 20, 2008 in bla bla bla, me me me
if jordanians r considered the grumpiest of all arabs, the brits must be their counterpart in the west!

i’ve worked with them and i vowed never to ever again! 2 years of being the only arab in an office of 32 brits and 2 south africans (those r amazing tho).. i think the brits enjoy being sarcastic and miserable.. & i think its only coz they HAVE to focus on some1 else’s life and faults but their own coz they cant handle it… and their chronic politeness is the most annoying bit of it all!!! i hate dealing with fake ppl, and being THAT courteous is so not genuine. its almost revolting. id rather deal with blunt, in-ur-face ppl, ones who speak their mind all the time rather than ones who try so hard not to ‘hurt’ others with saying what they think, as if ppl r made out of glass..

why did they have to get us a new (and brittish) head of department!!! i was happy walla 😦


Posted: February 29, 2008 in boredom, feelings, me me me, rant

blogger is blocked at work now.. urghhhh!!

bad omen??

Posted: February 18, 2008 in i wanna know, me me me, tenzeker ma ten3ad

so i had this HUGE accident on eid (december) and i almost sha6abt il siyara ma3 il 3elem i am a crazy but excellent driver and never in my 7 years of mad driving have i as much as scratched the car badly. il7amdila x 1000. i had 2 fender benders but not even worth mentioning.. il muhem, i got the car back on thursday, and today morning as i am on my way to work, a guy stopped me on the way to the highway telling me that my rear tire is flat!

IS THIS A BAD OMEN?? the car’s milage is not even 5000kms.. is selling the car an option if u were me??! i only bought the car in oct 😦


Posted: January 30, 2008 in bla bla bla, me me me, rant
why wont this week end already!


Posted: January 27, 2008 in bla bla bla, me me me, tenzeker ma ten3ad

The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.
– George Jessel

ya mis6ar George, ba7eb agolak, yeslam boGGak!

today i had to present a bit of a research report to a few clients, and these clients are japanese, and u keep hearing stories bout how japanese businessmen are articulate and disciplined and diligent and to-the-point, and u dont believe that until u come face to face with em! id say intimidating! il muhem, since i had the flu last week, and a pretty bad one too, i had basically spread my germs to everyone in the office and the analyst that was supposed to present had lost his voice over the weekend, so it came down to me :eek: and for those who accuse women of never shutting up, i say give em a bit of public speaking and that shud do the trick!

i cudnt say one sentence, no scratch that, one PHRASE that made sense! i was talking way too fast and my voice was way too low and i cud feel the sweat beads forming on every mm square of my face..! now that im writing it down im laffing in retrospect as their identical japanese faces with jaws dropping and eyes bamboozled stared at me! lol i hate public speaking! i mean if i know these guys, like say in a class, uni lecture or some training where i got to interact with my audience, im perfectly fine! even awesome (yes and humble) but ppl who i meet for the first time? its disastrous! i keep hearing that the best way to speak in public without being that anxious and nervous is to picture everyone naked, but it just DINT HELP @ ALLLLL!! lol

I wonder if it ever worked for anyone?

علمي انتهينا و انسينا اللي كان
افترقوا ايدينا بالهوى
ليالي هوانا غمرها النسيان
هوانا لا صوت و لا صدى
شو جاي تخبرني بعد اللي صار
شو جاي تخبرني لما انتهى المشوار
شو بدي احكيلك عني بتحكيلك
على قلبي اللي صار على اخر روح
روح حبيبي حبيبي روح
شو بدك في انساني تركني بحالي
يا حبيبي روح بيكفي جروح
انا كنت نسيتك شو اللي جابك على بالي
حاجه ترجعني للماضي اللي راح

fadl shakir has always been one of my favorite singers, some might argue that his style is almost always the same, but i think he knows what suits that heavenly voice of his and works on it.. i cant wait for the album to come out!

moody friends..

Posted: January 21, 2008 in inside out, me me me, observations, rant, women
inspired by Asoom’s experience here with an ex-friend.. i SO relate to that, and i dint wanna hijack her post 😀

i rarely have female friends, simply coz i was not programmed to be like most of them, in my mind, im 100% male. im practical, i dont envy other ppl, i hold no grudges, i dont care bout makeup and clothes like they r the reason for my existance, and i dont ditch ppl coz im having a bad mood! u can call me a tomboy, but ppl who know me personally know i am so far from that.. il muhemm… so i met this girl, and we have mutual friends, some who say she is very nice, but i was always very aware of everything i say around her, and was very careful what i reveal, the case with most ppl but i was consciously aware and pushed myself to watch out for every word with her..
days went by and i gave her a chance, and we became close friends in no time, she was funny, outgoing, and talkative. But she was moody, like, VERY moody! one day she wud be all talkative and sweet, and the next she wudnt return my calls and want nothing to do with me :smily mafsoom with 7 personalities: and after a while i got sick of it! and when she dint call again, i dint either, and was actually nonchalant and happy she was out of my life, with all her negativities that overrid her positive side with time.
neither i nor anyone deserves to be treated like that, the flavor-of-the-week style! whenever their mood is good they r good with u and when its not then to hell with u! that is not the definition of friendship..
i guess thats why i feel more at ease with guys, they’re so.. simple! what u see is what u get.. almost EVERY time! plus a guy wont envy u, or get these silly thoughts and cause drama every once in a while.. they r always up for a gr8 time and a good laff.. girly girls wont go out unless u ‘book’ them in advance so that they wud look good for the outing! with most guys, its “shall we?”, “hell yeah!” and i find that refreshing!


Posted: January 20, 2008 in blogomania, me me me

testing.. wan 6oo sree..

its good to be back 🙂